

时间:2013-10-31 浏览次数:







Ø 2003/092008/06,华中科技大学,博士(硕博连读)

Ø 1999/09 – 2003/06,武汉大学,学士


Ø 2017/11-至今,华中科技大学,数字建造与工程管理系,教授

Ø 2012/112017/11,华中科技大学,工程管理系,副教授

Ø 2012/102013/10,美国卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University),土木与环境工程系,访问学者

Ø 2012/012012/02,澳大利亚科廷大学(Curtin University),工程管理系,访问学者

Ø 2010/092012/11,华中科技大学,工程管理系,讲师

Ø 2008/072010/08,华中科技大学,土木工程博士后流动站,博士后


1. 土木工程自动化领域TOP期刊《Automation in Construction》(中科院1区,IF=7.7)副主编

2. 中国工程院主办期刊《Frontiers of  Engineering  Management》编辑

3. 中国建筑学会工程标准工作委员会 委员

4. 中国建筑学会工程管理研究分会 理事

5. 湖北省高等教育学会工程管理与智能建造教育分会 常务委员


    1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,城市基础设施工程安全与健康管理,在研,主持

    2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,居住环境对老年人群心理健康的影响机制及干预技术,在研,主持

    3. 国家重点研发计划课题,智能化健康居住环境及医养结合数据平台建设,在研,主持

    4. 湖北省智能建造科技重大专项子题,智能医院技术体系及其评价标准研究,在研,主持

    5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,地铁施工安全风险时空耦合机理及实景仿真预警技术研究,已结题,主持

    6. 湖北省技术创新专项重大项目课题,基于BIM技术的地铁施工运营安全管控关键技术研究,已结题,主持

    7. 国家科技支撑计划子课题,地铁施工安全风险仿真及预警技术研究,已结题,主持

    8. 科研委托项目,武汉市轨道交通8号线二期工程安全风险预警系统与监控咨询服务实施项目(第二标段),已结题,主持

    9. 技术服务项目,武九线综合管廊BIM设计与应用技术服务,已结题,主持





1. Ying Zhou, Lingling Wang, Yayin Xu, Lieyun Ding, Zhouping Tang *. Intelligent Fangcang Shelter Hospital Systems for Major Public Health Emergencies: The Case of the Optics Valley Fangcang Shelter Hospital, ASCE Management in Engineering, 38(1): 05021010, 2022 (IF=6.853)

2. Li C., Zhou Y. *, Ding L. Effects of long-term household air pollution exposure from solid fuel use on depression: Evidence from national longitudinal surveys from 2011 to 2018, Environmental Pollution, 283: 117350, 2021 (IF=8.07)

3. Wang L., Zhou Y. *, Wang F., Ding L., Love P.E.D., Li S. The Influence of the Built Environment on People's Mental Health: An Empirical Classification of Causal Factors, Sustainable Cities and Society, 74: 103185, 2021 (IF=7.587)

4. Zhou C., Tang B., Ding L., Sekula P., Zhou Y.*, Zekun Zhang. Design and automated assembly of Planetary LEGO Brick for lunar in-situ construction, Automation in Construction, 118: 103282.1-103282.25, 2020 (IF=7.700)

5. Zhou C., Kong T., Jiang S., Chen S., Zhou Y.*, Ding L. Quantifying the evolution of settlement risk for surrounding environments in underground construction via complex network analysis, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 103: 103490.1-103490.17, 2020 (IF=5.915)

6. Li C., Zhou Y.*. Residential environment and depressive symptoms among Chinese middle- and old-aged adults: A longitudinal population-based study, Health & Place, 66: 102463.1-102463.10, 2020 (IF=4.078)

7. Zhou, C, Xu, HC, Ding, LY, Wei, LC, Zhou, Y.*. Dynamic prediction for attitude and position in shield tunneling: A deep learning method, Automation in Construction, 105: 102840.1-102840.16, 2019 (IF=7.700)

8. Zhou C., Kong T., Zhou Y.*, Zhang H., Ding L. Unsupervised spectral clustering for shield tunneling machine monitoring data with complex network theory, Automation in Construction, 107: 102924.1-102924.16, 2019 (IF=7.700)

9. Zhou Y., Li C., Ding L., Sekula P., Love P.E.D., Zhou C*. Combining association rules mining with complex networks to monitor coupled risks, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 186: 194-208, 2019 (IF=6.188)

10. Zhou C., Ding L., Zhou Y.*, Skibniewski M.J. Visibility graph analysis on time series of shield tunneling parameters based on complex network theory, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 89: 10-24. 2019 (IF=5.915)

11. Zhou Y., Li S., Zhou C.*, Luo H. Intelligent Approach Based on Random Forest for Safety Risk Prediction of Deep Foundation Pit in Subway Stations, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(1): 05018004.1-05018004.14, 2019 (IF= 4.640)

12. Lei L., Zhou Y.*, Luo H., Love P.E.D. A CNN-based 3D patch registration approach for integrating sequential models in support of progress monitoring, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 41: 100923.1- 100923.2, 2019 (IF=5.603)

13. Zhou Y., Wang L., Love P.E.D., Ding L., Zhou C*. Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of structures and landscapes: A new point-and-line fusion method, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 42: 100961.1-100961.11, 2019 (IF=5.603)

14. Zhou C., Ding L., Zhou Y.*, Zhang H., Skibniewski M.J. Hybrid Support Vector Machine Optimization Model for Prediction of Energy Consumption of Cutter Head Drives in Shield Tunneling, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(3): 04019019.1-04019019.17, 2019 (IF= 4.640)

15. Zhou C., Chen R., Jiang S., Zhou Y.*, Ding L., Skibniewski M.J., Lin X. Human dynamics in near-miss accidents resulting from unsafe behavior of construction workers, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 530: 121495.1-121495.18, 2019 (IF=3.263)

16. Zhou Y., Wang Y., Ding L.*, Love P.E.D. Utilizing IFC for shield segment assembly in underground tunneling, Automation in Construction, 93: 178-191, 2018 (IF=7.700)

17. Zhou Y., Li C., Zhou C.*, Luo H. Using Bayesian network for safety risk analysis of diaphragm wall deflection based on field data, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 180: 152-167, 2018 (IF=6.188)

18. Zhou C., Ding L., Zhou Y.*, Luo H. Topological mapping and assessment of multiple settlement time series in deep excavation: A complex network perspective, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 36: 1-19, 2018 (IF=5.603)

19. Zhou Y.*, Luo H., Yang Y. Implementation of augmented reality for segment displacement inspection during tunneling construction, Automation in Construction, 82: 112-121, 2017 (IF=7.700)

20. Ding L., Li K., Zhou Y.*, Love P.E.D. An IFC-inspection process model for infrastructure projects: Enabling real-time quality monitoring and control, Automation in Construction, 84: 96-110, 2017 (IF=7.700)

21. Zhou Y.*, Ding L., Rao Y., Luo H., Medjdoub B., Zhong H. Formulating project-level building information modeling evaluation framework from the perspectives of organizations: A review, Automation in Construction, 81: 44-55, 2017 (IF=7.700)

22. Zhou Y., Su W., Ding L., Luo H.*, Love P.E.D. Predicting Safety Risks in Deep Foundation Pits in Subway Infrastructure Projects: Support Vector Machine Approach, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 31(5): 04017052.1-04017052.14, 2017 (IF= 4.640)


·   2019年湖北省科技进步二等奖

·   2015年中国建筑学会科技进步二等奖

·   2011年教育部科技进步一等奖

·   2010年湖北省科技进步一等奖

·   2010年湖北省科技进步二等奖



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