刘震卿,华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院建筑工程系,中欧清洁与可再生能源学院(兼),教授,博士生导师,国家万人计划青年拔尖人才,湖北省楚天学者(学子),中国博士后年度百人选介。博士毕业于日本东京大学(导师:Takeshi Ishihara教授,原东京大学土木系主任,原日本风能学会会长),获日本文部科学省国费奖学金,后在东京大学任博士后,研究员。2015年后,历任华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院讲师、副教授、教授(博士生导师);先后主持国家自然科学基金2项,主持国家重点研发计划课题1项,主持其他省部级项目3项,主持企业技术攻关项目多项,主持项目累积经费1300余万元;发表学术论文70余篇,其中以第一作者在SCI检索期刊发表论文40篇(JCR1区28篇),发表论文平均影响因子5.8,Google Scholar他引900余次,以第一发明人授权国家发明专利16项,以第一设计人授权软件著作权15项,主编包括《风力发电中的计算风工程》等学术专著2部;多次担任本领域重要学术会议分会场主席,40余本重要期刊审稿人,获湖北省技术发明二等奖1项,国家自然科学基金通讯评议人以及多个省部级奖励评审专家。
邮箱:liuzhenqing@hust.edu.cn 手机:86-18627931026
1. 风资源评估
2. 风力发电机振动控制
3. 海上漂浮式风机
4. 风浪能联合利用
5. 龙卷风等特异风灾
• 2010.10-2013.09,东京大学土木工程学院桥梁结构研究室,博士
• 2007.09-2010.07,湖南大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系桥梁工程专业,硕士
• 2003.09-2007.07,湖南大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系桥梁工程专业,本科
• 2021.11-至今,华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院建筑工程系,教授
• 2017.11-2021.10,华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院建筑工程系,副教授
• 2015.04-2017.10,华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院建筑工程系,讲师
• 2013.10-2015.04,东京大学土木工程学院桥梁结构研究室,研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51978307,考虑气流分层影响的山地低风速区风机微观选址数理研究,在研,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,51608220,基于谱元法CFD的龙卷风作用下列车-桥梁体系气动特性研究,已结题,主持;
3. 国家重点研发计划国际合作重点专项,2016YFE0127900,海上漂浮风机的混凝土基础结构体系及设计理论,已结题,课题负责人;
4. 中国博士后科学基金(一等面上),谱单元法CFD的复杂微地形风场数值仿真研究,已结题,主持;
5. 中国博士后科学基金(特别资助),龙卷风及下击暴流等极端微气象条件风场特性仿真研究,已结题,主持;
6. 湖南省重点实验室开放课题,基于大涡模拟的复杂地形风场预测,已结题,主持;
7. 局部风场仿真平台研发,已结题,主持;
8. 典型地形风场特性研究,已结题,主持;
9. 基于OpenFOAM的复杂地表森林模型开发,已结题,主持;
10. 基于流体载荷耦合自动化与视觉识别的技术合作,已结题,主持;
11. 风力发电机动力载荷自动化计算,已结题,主持;
12. 类龙卷风涡旋式汽车空调出风口研发,主持;
13. Linux系统平台下基于C++的风机风致动力响应分析程序研发(横向课题),已结题,主持;
14. 基于CFD的风机风场微尺度仿真研发(横向课题),已结题,主持;
15. 基于Simpack的精细化风机动力学仿真与载荷分析提取技术服务(横向课题),已结题,主持;
16. 风电场风资源后评估系统研究及自主PyGAOWT平台研发合作I阶段(横向课题),已结题,主持;
17. 风电场风资源后评估系统研究及自主PyGAOWT平台研发合作II阶段(横向课题),在研,主持;
18. 风力发电机组高强螺栓连接面抗滑移系数测试(横向课题),已结题,主持;
19. .波浪能俘获结构设计及水动力学计算服务(横向课题),已结题,主持;
20. 悬索结构—流场非线性算法研究(横向课题),已结题,主持;
21. 海上漂浮式风机变压器减振部件研制(横向课题),已结题,主持。
1. 国家重点研发计划,2017YFC1500705,新型减隔震技术及其设计理论,2018-01至2020-12,332万元,在研,参加;
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,51838006,基于监测数据的结构被动振动控制系统性能研究,2019-01至2023-12,300万元,在研,参加;
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51278191,桥梁主梁气动导纳和影响因素精细化分析的大涡模拟研究,2013-01至2016-12,78万元,已结题,参加;
4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,50978095,基于CFD和Volterra理论的桥梁非线性气动力系统识别及应用,2010-01至2012-12,32万元,已结题,参加。
注:影响因子为最新值,分区依据中科院基础版,*标注通讯作者, _ 标注指导学生
1. Zhenqing Liu*; Yiwen Cao; Bowen Yan; Xugang Hua, Zhiwen Zhu, Shuyang Cao; Numerical study of compact debris in tornadoes at different stages using large eddy simulations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
2. Zhenqing Liu*; Yiwen Cao; Yize Wang; Jinxin Cao; Xugang Hua; Shuyang Cao; Characteristics of compact debris induced by a tornado studied using large eddy simulations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 104422. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
3. Zhenqing Liu; Yize Wang*; Xugang Hua; Hongping Zhu; Zhiwen Zhu; Optimization of wind turbine TMD under real wind distribution countering wake effects using GPU acceleration and machine learning technologies; Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 104436. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
4. Zhenqing Liu*; Shuyang Cao; Heping Liu; Xugang Hua; Takeshi Ishihara; Effects of Reynolds number in the range from 1.6×103 to 1.6×106 on the flow fields in tornado-like vortices by LES: A systematical study, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 196: 104028. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
5. Zhenqing Liu; Jinxin Cao; Bowen Yan; Yize Wang*; Study of wind-direction effects on flow fields over two-dimensional hills using large eddy simulations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 104285. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
6. Zhenqing Liu*; Wei Wang; Yize Wang; Takeshi Ishihara; Large eddy simulations of the slope effects on the flow fields over isolated hills and ridges, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 104178. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
7. Zhenqing Liu*; Heping Liu; Shuyang Cao; Numerical study of the structure and dynamics of a tornado at the sub-critical vortex breakdown stage, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018, 177: 306-326. (SCI,中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
8. Zhenqing Liu; Takeshi Ishihara; Xuhui He*; Huawei Niu; LES study on the turbulent flow fields over complex terrain covered by vegetation canopy, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2016, 155: 60-73. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
9. Zhenqing Liu; Takeshi Ishihara; Takahiro Tanaka; Xuhui He*; LES study of turbulent flow fields over a smooth 3-D hill and a smooth 2-D ridge, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2016, 153: 1-12. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
10. Zhenqing Liu*; Takeshi Ishihara; Study of the effects of translation and roughness on tornado-like vortices by large-eddy simulations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2016, 151: 1-24. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
11. Zhenqing Liu*; Takeshi Ishihara; Numerical study of turbulent flow fields and the similarity of tornado vortices using large-eddy simulations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2015, 145: 42-60. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
12. Zhenqing Liu*; Takeshi Ishihara; A study of tornado induced mean aerodynamic forces on a gable-roofed building by the large eddy simulations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2015, 146: 39-50. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
13. Zhenqing Liu*; Yiwen Cao; Yize Wang; Shuyang Cao; Qingshan Yang; Study of turbulence effects on flying compact debris in tornadoes at different stages, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2021, (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ1, IF=4.437)
14. Zhenqing Liu*; Chong Zhang; Takeshi Ishihara; Numerical study of the wind loads on a cooling tower by a stationary tornado-like vortex through LES, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2018, 81: 656-672. (SCI,中科院2区, JCRQ2, IF=3.482)
15. Zhenqing Liu, Yiwen Cao, Jinxin Cao*, Yize Wang, Shuyang Cao, Numerical study of tornado-borne debris on a low-rise building through large eddy simulation, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2021, (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ2, IF=3.482)
16. Yize Wang, Zhenqing Liu*, Hao Wang*, Proposal and layout optimization of a wind-wave hybrid energy system using GPU-accelerated differential evolution algorithm, Energy, 2021, (SCI, 中科院1区, JCRQ1, IF=8.857)
17. Zhenqing Liu, Shuanglong Fan, Yize Wang*, Jie Peng, Genetic-algorithm-based layout optimization of an offshore wind farm under real sea bed terrain encountering an engineering cost model, Energy Conversion and Management, 2021,. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=11.533)
18. Zhenqing Liu; Yize Wang*; Xugang Hua; Numerical studies and proposal of design equations on cylindrical oscillating wave surge converters under regular waves using SPH, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 203: 112242. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=11.533)
19. Zhenqing Liu; Yize Wang*; Xugang Hua; Prediction and optimization of oscillating wave surge converter using machine learning techniques, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 210: 112677. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=11.533)
20. Zhenqing Liu*; Zheng Diao; Takeshi Ishihara; Study of the flow fields over simplified topographies with different roughness conditions using large eddy simulations, Renewable Energy, 2019, 136: 968-992. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=8.634)
21. Zhenqing Liu; Yize Wang*; Nyangi Patrice; Xugang Hua; Proposal of a novel GPU-accelerated lifetime optimization method for onshore wind turbine dampers under real wind distribution, Renewable Energy, 2020, (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=8.634)
22. Yize Wang, Zhenqing Liu*, Proposal of novel analytical wake model and GPU-accelerated array optimization method for oscillating wave surge energy converter, Renewable Energy, 2021, (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=8.634)
23. Zhenqing Liu*; Yiwen Cao; Yize Wang*; Wei Wang; Computer vision-based concrete crack detection using U-net fully convolutional networks, Automation in Construction, 2019, 104: 129-139. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=10.517)
24. Zhenqing Liu*; Qiuming Li; Takeshi Ishihara; Numerical investigation of a swirl diffuser with a novel design using large eddy simulations, Building and Environment, 2018, 135: 124-141. (SCI,中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=7.093)
25. Zhenqing Liu; Weipeng Li; Lian Shen*; Yan Han; Zhiwen Zhu; Xugang Hua; Numerical study of stable stratification effects on the wind over simplified tall building models using large-eddy simulations, Building and Environment, 2021, (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=7.093)
26. Zhenqing Liu; Yize Wang*; Numerical studies of submerged moored box-type floating breakwaters with different shapes of cross-sections using SPH, Coastal Engineering, 2020, 158: 103687. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=5.427)
27. Zhenqing Liu; Yize Wang*; Wei Wang; Xugang Hua; Numerical modeling and optimization of a winged box-type floating breakwater by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 188: 106246. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=4.372)
28. Zhenqing Liu; Yize Wang*; Xugang Hua; Proposal of a novel analytical wake model and array optimization of oscillating wave surge converter using differential evolution algorithm, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 108380. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=4.372)
29. Zhenqing Liu; Yize Wang*; Numerical investigations and optimizations of typical submerged box-type floating breakwaters using SPH, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 209: 107475. (SCI, 中科院Top, JCRQ1, IF=4.372)
30. Zhenqing Liu*; Jie Peng; Xugang Hua; Zhiwen Zhu; Wind farm optimization considering non-uniformly distributed turbulence intensity, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2020, 43, 100970. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCRQ2, IF=7.632)
31. Zhenqing Liu*; Qiuming Li; Takeshi Ishihara; Jie Peng; Numerical simulations of fatigue loads on wind turbines operating in wakes, Wind Energy, 2020, 23: 1301-1316. (SCI, 中科院3区, JCRQ2, IF=3.710)
32. Zhenqing Liu*; Shengyu Lu; Takeshi Ishihara; Large eddy simulations of wind-turbine wakes in typical complex topographies, Wind Energy, 2020, (SCI, 中科院3区, JCRQ2, IF=3.710)
33. Zhenqing Liu; Shuyang Cao; Heping Liu*; Takeshi Ishihara; Large-eddy simulations of the flow over an isolated three-dimensional hill, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2019, 170: 415-441. (SCI, 中科院3区, JCRQ2, IF=3.471)
34. Zhenqing Liu*; Yiran Hu; Yicheng Fan; Wei Wang; Qingsong Zhou. Turbulent flow fields over a 3D hill covered by vegetation canopy through large eddy simulations, Energies, 2019, 12: 3624. (SCI, 中科院3区, JCRQ3, IF=3.252)
35. Zhenqing Liu*; Yiran Hu; Wei Wang; Large eddy simulations of the flow fields over simplified hills with different roughness conditions, slopes, and hill shapes: A systematical study, Energies, 2019, 12: 3413 (SCI, 中科院3区, JCRQ3, IF=3.252)
36. Zhenqing Liu*; Qingsong Zhou; Yuangang Tu; Wei Wang; Xugang Hua; Proposal of a novel semi-submersible floating wind turbine platform composed of inclined columns and multi-segmented mooring lines, Energies, 2019, 12: 1809 (SCI, 中科院3区, JCRQ3, IF=3.252)
37.Tian Li; Zhenqing Liu*; Hao Wang; Qingshan Yang; Large eddy simulation for the effects of ground roughness and atmospheric stratification on the wake characteristics of wind turbines mounted on complex terrains, Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 268 (SCI, 中科院1区, JCRQ1, IF=11.533)
38. Tian Li; Zhenqing Liu*; Shujie Liu; Qingshan Yang; Yicheng Fan; Hongdi Xiao; Numerical study on passive structural control of semi-submersible floating wind turbine considering non-collinear wind and waves, Ocean Engineering, 2022, (SCI, 中科院1区, JCRQ1, IF=4.372)
39. 刘震卿*; 张冲; 吴晓波; 李秋明; 考虑粗糙地表的风场仿真研究及误差分析, 空气动力学学报, 2020, 37: 12-14.
40. 罗啸宇; 谈正铠; 吴晓波; 刘震卿*; 涂元刚; 考虑地表粗糙影响的下击暴流数值仿真, 土木工程与管理学报, 2018, 35: 110-114.
1. 风力发电中的计算风工程,作者:刘震卿,2020,华中科技大学出版社
2. 龙卷风的数值仿真,作者:刘震卿,2021,华中科技大学出版社
1. 一种风洞温度梯度控制装置及其控制方法,发明专利号:ZL2019102140076,(刘震卿,胡一冉)
2. 一种具有减摇功能的海上风机发电设备,发明专利号:ZL2019105397250,(刘震卿,朱宏平,樊贻成)
3. 一种可变功率的斜拉索永磁式电涡流阻尼器,发明专利号:ZL2018100953316,(刘震卿,朱宏平,熊世树,王伟,李秋明,张冲)
4. 一种海上漂浮风机,发明专利号:ZL2019112741197,(刘震卿,卞维福,朱宏平,熊世树)
5. 一种滞回曲线可调的复合型隔震支座系统,发明专利号:ZL2018102181813,(朱宏平,刘震卿,王伟,熊世树,张冲,李秋明,刁正)
6. 一种自适应调节的电涡流阻尼器,发明专利号:ZL2019110278730,(刘震卿,卞维福,朱宏平,熊世树)
7. 一种分岔系泊线式风机系泊系统及海上风力发电设备,发明专利号:ZL2019102200132,(刘震卿,周青松)
8. 一种具有减振功能的风机发电设备,发明专利号:ZL2019105224849,(刘震卿,卢圣煜,熊世树)
9. 一种海上半潜式风能及波浪能集成发电设备,发明专利号:ZL2019105397157,(刘震卿,熊世树,周青松)
10. 喀斯特地貌下孤立山峰上空风场模拟范围选取方法,发明专利号:ZL201810344011X,(刘震卿,王伟,熊世树)
11. 一种基于GIS数据生成复杂地形网格模型的插值方法,发明专利号:ZL201810321480X,(刘震卿,张冲,熊世树)
12. 一种基于OpenFOAM的模拟复杂地形地表粗糙度的方法,发明利号:ZL2018103303339,(刘震卿,吴晓波,熊世树)
13. 一种波浪能板式发电装置,发明专利号:ZL2019105294907,(刘震卿,胡一冉)
14. 一种基于惯性放大机理改进的滚动质量调谐阻尼器,发明专利号:ZL202110125339.4,(刘震卿,王艺泽)
15. 一种飞掷物定量释放试验装置,发明专利号:ZL202110273927.2,(刘震卿,樊双龙)
16. 一种基于Fluent的风机尾流自动获取方法,发明专利号:ZL 2018113537234,(刘震卿,李秋明)
17. 一种基于惯性放大机理的自适应电涡流阻尼器及其应用,发明专利号:ZL202110663895.7,(刘震卿,李伟鹏)
1. 风力机风致动力分析软件,登记号:2018SR984748,(刘震卿,李秋明)
2. 基于GIS数据的复杂地形网格模型生成软件,登记号:2018SR1004248,(刘震卿,张冲)
3. 局部微地形台风风场降尺度模拟软件,登记号:2018SR1004261,(刘震卿,张冲)
4. 风力机尾流自动计算分析软件,登记号2019SR0050438,(刘震卿,涂元刚)
5. 系泊浮式结构仿真软件,登记号:2019SR0469918,(刘震卿,王艺泽)
6. 基于web的复杂地形风场可视化计算平台,登记号:2019SR1118599,(刘震卿,曹益文)
7. 基于高阶谱单元的流体计算程序,登记号:2019SR0624575,(刘震卿,曹益文)
8. 海上波浪数值模拟软件,登记号:2019SR0633469,(刘震卿,涂元刚)
9. 基于Fluent的湍流入流自动生成软件,登记号:2019SR0633470,(刘震卿,张冲)
10. 基于web的城市风场可视化计算平台,登记号:2019SR1127343,(刘震卿,曹益文)
11. 基于web的WRF降尺度耦合风场可视化计算平台,登记号:2019SR1172610,(刘震卿,曹益文)
12. 基于Matlab的平坦地形下风机高度优化软件,登记号:2020SR0230471,(刘震卿,樊双龙)
13. 复杂山地-风力发电机风场耦合分析程序,登记号:2021SR0653298,(刘震卿,樊双龙)
14. 基于pyTecplot的流场后处理自动可视化软件,登记号:2021SR1051563,(刘震卿,樊双龙)
Numerical study of tornado induced flow fields and aerodynamic force by using LES model
LES モデルを用いた数値流体解析による竜巻状涡に伴う流れ场と空気力に関する研究