博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事结构振动控制与结构动力学方向的教学与科研工作,系统开展了斜拉索减振、桥梁抗震、施工起重船吊物系统摆振控制等研究。主持国家自然科学基金及G3铜陵长江公铁大桥、观音寺长江大桥等重点工程课题多项,发表SCI期刊论文40余篇(被引1500余次),出版译著1部,教材1本,授权专利10余项,获省部级科技奖励3项。兼任国际结构控制与监测学会会刊《Structural Control and Health Monitoring》特刊主编,第九届中国振动工程学会随机振动专业委员会委员。
2001.09-2005.06 湖南大学土木工程学院,土木工程专业,本科
2005.09-2008.06 厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院,结构工程专业,硕士
2009.10-2014.05 香港理工大学土木与环境工程系,土木工程专业,博士
2015.01-2018.10 华中科技大学土木与力学学院,讲师
2018.11-2023.12 华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院,副教授
2024.01至今 华中科技大学土木与水利工程学院,教授、系副主任(2023起)
3.《Structural dynamics》(留学生)
5.《Seismic analysis of structures》(留学生)
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,超长索电磁惯质阻尼器多模态减振机理及设计理论, 2023.01-2026.12.
2.国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于电磁阻尼器的斜拉索自供能半主动控制研究, 2016.01-2018.12.
9.深圳中广核工程设计有限公司项目,管廊桥抗震数值模型分析,2023.9- 2024.12.
10.武汉鑫拓力工程技术有限公司项目,低指数黏滞阻尼器能量传递转化模型分析及试验研究, 2023.11- 2024.12.
11.中交第二航务工程局有限公司项目,北口大桥施工期主梁动力特性测试与台风期动力响应监测, 2021.07-2023.06.
12.中铁大桥科学研究院有限公司项目,斜拉索智能阻尼减振技术研究, 2020.09- 2021.9.
15.武汉鑫拓力工程技术有限公司项目,深中通道中山大桥斜拉索阻尼器振动性能测试,2022.11- 2022.12.
SCI期刊《Structural Control and Health Monitoring》、《Buildings》特刊主编
ESCI期刊《Engineering Reports》、EI期刊《铁道科学与工程学报》青年编委
2023年 湖北省科技进步一等奖(排名第14)
2018年 湖北省技术发明二等奖(排名第4)
2020年 中国公路学会科技进步一等奖(排名第9)
2022年 香港工程师学会“卓越结构大奖”研发及应用奖(排名第4)
2018年 第46届日内瓦国际发明展览会铜奖(排名第4)
2017年 香港工程师学会“卓越结构大奖”研发类提名奖(排名第1)
2024年 《计算力学学报》“2019-2023年高影响力论文奖”
2020年 第十一届全国结构设计基础与可靠性学术会议“优秀青年学者论文”
2019年 第28届全国结构工程学术会议“优秀论文一等奖”
2023年 华中科技大学2022-2023年度优秀教师班主任
2017年 华中科技大学2016-2017年度优秀教师班主任
2016年 华中科技大学2015-2016年度教学竞赛校级二等奖
2012年 爱思唯尔出版社“Engineering AudioSlides Challenge”一等奖
2011年 第五届SHMII会议“青年研究员奖”
苏原, 沈文爱. 《混凝土结构设计原理》,中国建筑工业出版社,2021.
沈文爱, 宋婕. 《Eurocode 8:结构抗震设计》,人民交通出版社,2020.
[1] Shen W., Hao J., Zhu H.P.* (2022). “Design approach and practical formulas of electromagnetic inertial mass dampers for cable multimode control.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 27(12): 04022121.
[2] Li Y., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P., Silva S. (2022). “Design formulas of electromagnetic inertial mass dampers for cable vibration mitigation.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 27(1): 06021007.
[3] Shen W., Zhu S.* and Zhu H.P.(2019) “Unify energy harvesting and vibration control functions in randomly excited structures with electromagnetic devices,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(1): 04018115.
[4] Xiao X., Shen W.* and He X.H. (2021) “Track Irregularity Monitoring on High-Speed Railway Viaducts: A Novel Algorithm with Unknown Input Condensation,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 147(6): 04021029.
[5] Li J.Y., Zhu S.*, Shi X. and Shen W. (2020) “Electromagnetic Shunt Damper for Bridge Cable Vibration Mitigation: Full-Scale Experimental Study,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(1): 04019175.
[6] Shen W., Long Z., Wang H., Zhu H.P.* (2021). “Power analysis of SDOF structures with tuned inerter dampers subjected to earthquake ground motions.” ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering. 7(1):010907.
[7] Xiao Y., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P.*, Du Y.L. (2024). “An acoustic black hole absorber for vibration suppression: Simulation and full-scale experiment.” Engineering Structures, 304(2024): 117647.
[8] Wang H., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P., Luo H. (2023) “Stochastic Optimization of a Nonlinear Base Isolation System with LRB and EIMD for Building Structures.” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2023: 8392421.
[9] Long Z.T., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P. (2023). “On energy dissipation or harvesting of tuned viscous mass dampers for SDOF structures under seismic excitations.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 189(2023):110087.
[10] Xiao X., Wen C., Shen W.* (2023). “Extended harmonic input method for response spectrum determination of vehicle-bridge systems.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. 72(2023): 103446.
[11] Wang Z.H.*, Cheng Z.P., Yin G.Z., Shen W.* (2023). “A magnetic negative stiffness eddy-current inertial mass damper for cable vibration mitigation.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.188(2023): 110013.
[12] Shen W.*, Long Z., Niyitangamahoro A., Zhu H.P., Li, Y., Qiu C.X. (2022). “An inerter-based electromagnetic damper for civil structures: Modeling, testing, and seismic performance.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 173(2022): 109070.
[13] Shi X., Guan X. Shen W.*, Xing L. (2022). “A control strategy using negative stiffness and semi-active viscous damping for fully tracking active control force for bridge cables: Principles and simulations.” Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2022: e2989.
[14] Wang H., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P., Wei W., Kong F., Zhu S. (2022). “Performance enhancement of FPS-isolated buildings using an inerter-based: Stochastic seismic analysis and optimization.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 177:109237.
[15] Shen W.*, Sun Z., Hu Y., Cai L., Zhu H.P., Silva S. (2022). “Energy harvesting performance of an inerter-based electromagnetic damper with application to stay cables.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 170: 108790.
[16] Xiao X., Zhang Y., Shen W.* (2022). “A stochastic analysis method of transient responses using harmonic wavelets, part 2: Time-dependent vehicle-bridge systems” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162:107871.
[17] Wang H., Shen W.*, Li Y., Zhu H.P., Zhu S. (2021). “Dynamic behavior and seismic performance of base-isolated structures with electromagnetic inertial mass dampers: Analytical solutions and simulations.” Engineering Structures, 246: 113072.
[18] Xiao X., Zhang Y., Shen W.*, Kong F. (2021). “A stochastic analysis method of transient responses using harmonic wavelets, Part 1: Time-invariant structural systems.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 160:107870.
[19] Wang H., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P., Kong F., Zhu S. (2021). “Stochastic seismic analysis of base-isolated structures with electromagnetic inertial mass dampers considering different soil conditions.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2021.
[20] Shen W., Hu Y., Zhu H.P.*, Li Y., Luo H. (2021). “Performance enhancement in cable vibration energy harvesting employing inerters: full-scale experiment.” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2021: e2740.
[21] Xiao X., Xu X., and Shen W.* (2021) “Simultaneous identification of the frequencies and track irregularities of high-speed railway bridges from vehicle vibration data,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 152, 107412.
[22] Xiao X., Sun Z. and Shen W.* (2020) “A Kalman filter algorithm for identifying track irregularities of railway bridges using vehicle dynamic responses,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 138, 106582.
[23] Shen W., Niyitangamahoro A., Feng Z.* and Zhu H.P. (2019) “Tuned inerter dampers for civil structures subjected to earthquake ground motions: optimum design and seismic performance,” Engineering Structures, 198: 109470. (论文被引119次)
[24] Li Y., Shen W.*, and Zhu H.P. (2019) “Vibration mitigation of stay cables using electromagnetic inertial mass dampers: Full-scale experiment and analysis,” Engineering Structures, 200:109693. (论文被引77次)
[25] Zhu H.P., Li Y., Shen W.* and Zhu S.(2019) “Mechanical and energy-harvesting model for electromagnetic inertial mass dampers,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 120: 203-220. (ESI高被引论文,论文被引123次)
[26] Shen W., Zhu S.*, Xu Y.L. and Zhu H.P. (2018). “Energy regenerative tuned mass dampers in high-rise buildings,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(2): 1-18. (论文被引78次)
[27] Feng Z., Shen W.* and Chen Z.Q. (2017). “Consistent Multilevel RDT-ERA for Output-Only Ambient Modal Identification of Structures,” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17(9): 1750106-1-20.
[28] Shen W., Zhu S.* and Zhu H.P. (2016). “Experimental study on using electromagnetic devices on bridge stay cables for simultaneous energy harvesting and vibration damping,” Smart Materials and Structures, 25(6): 65011-65027.
[29] Shen W. and Zhu S.* (2015). “Harvesting Energy via Electromagnetic Damper: Application to Bridge Stay Cables," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 26(1): 3-19. (论文被引89次)
[30] Shen W., Zhu S.* and Xu Y.L. (2012). “An experimental study on self-powered vibration control and monitoring system using electromagnetic TMD and wireless sensors,” Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 180: 166-176. (论文被引97次)
[31] Zhu S.*, Shen W. and Xu Y.L. (2012). “Linear electromagnetic devices for vibration damping and energy harvesting: Modeling and testing," Engineering Structures, 34: 198-212. (ES杂志2012-2020最高被引论文排名第12位,论文被引232次)
[32] 沈文爱*, 曾东鋆,朱宏平. 基于MTMD的大跨度人行悬索桥人致振动控制[J]. 计算力学学报, 2022, 39(2): 178-184. (2019-2023年度高影响力论文)
[33] 沈文爱*,黄鸣柳,朱宏平,何友娣,张强,双座串联大跨度斜拉桥粘滞阻尼器参数分析,世界地震工程,2020, 36(4): 155-162.
[34] 黄鸣柳, 沈文爱*,何铁明,朱宏平. 双座串联大跨度斜拉桥横向约束体系研究. 地震工程与工程振动, 2020. 40(6):217-224.
[35] 李亚敏, 沈文爱*, 朱宏平, 电磁惯质阻尼器对超长斜拉索的减振性能分析, 土木工程与管理学报, 2020, 37(6):93-101.
[36] 王紫超,彭轶文, 李博涛, 沈文爱*, 朱宏平, 黄灿, 荀东亮. 基于非线性能量阱的吊物系统减摆试验研究[J]. 土木工程与管理学报, 2021, 38(3): 65-70.
1. 沈文爱,龙振滔,朱宏平,孙子航, 一种起重船吊物系统空间摆振的主动控制方法及系统, ZL 2021 1 0125557.8
2. 沈文爱,龙振滔,朱宏平,一种斜拉索多模态控制自适应阻尼器及其参数优化方法,ZL 2022 1 0929833.0
3. 沈文爱,朱宏平,黄灿,彭轶文,肖智中,张永涛, 一种复合非线性能量阱减振装置,ZL 2018 1 1001108.7
4. 沈文爱,朱松晔,朱宏平,胡宇航,罗辉,肖智中,一种波浪能发电装置,ZL 2018 1 0713241.9
5. 朱宏平,沈文爱,龙振滔,孙子航,一种惯质系数可调的惯质减振系统, ZL 2020 1 1494161.2
6. 朱宏平,沈文爱,孙子航,一种具有电磁阻尼的调谐粘滞惯质阻尼器, ZL 2021 1 0332239.9
7. 沈文爱,孙子航,朱宏平,一种自供能自适应磁流变阻尼器,201911395564.9
8. 沈文爱,朱宏平,李亚敏,郭彦彬,袁涌,胡宇航, 一种电磁惯性质量阻尼器,ZL 20182002 6833.9
9. 沈文爱,朱宏平,李亚敏,郭彦彬,袁涌,肖智中,一种调谐电磁惯性质量阻尼器,ZL 20182 0025655.8